Your Designer and Manufacturer


Hello, I am Paul Swearingen. Welcome to 3D Stick and Rudder and the formation of my products for your cockpit.

A Naval Flight Officer and now a pleasantly retired Senior Aircraft Systems Engineer from industry, I have devoted my career to creating new and novel aircraft system 3D designs, one-of kind prototyping and 3D printing.

Now, as a veteran owned business near Cedar Rapids Iowa, Swearingen 3D Works LLC is a pleasurable transition from a DER in industry to now, a means of interfacing with YOU, the owner, the craftsman, the mechanic, the pilot of such a unique aircraft. Designed by a pilot for pilots, and one who puts mind to design, I now manufacture unique, one-of-kind CAD designed, 3D printed components that provide you natural HOTAS fingertip interface with your aircraft systems while you maintain situational awareness with the horizon and your wing-man.

These products have been developed in collaboration with YOU, the aircraft community. Each item is as special as you are. You, the customer, are the hero!

Marketed via this site, feel free to select from our formation of products for your cockpit. Contact us with any of your unique requirements. You Dreamt it, We’re making it. Fly safe and stay well.

Signed: Paul Swearingen, (callsign:“Swag”), Marion,IA